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ysladmin 2024-06-10 人已围观

简介新浪英超背景音乐有哪些_新浪英超背景音乐有哪些歌       谢谢大家对新浪英超背景音乐有哪些问题集合的提问。作为一个对此领域感兴趣的人,我期待着和大家分享我的见解和解答各个





3.这个英超足球配乐是什么啊? http://video.sina.com.cn/p/sports/g/v/2011-03-13/035761280003.html



       没有视频或音频地址,找起来比较困难,最好有地址链接发上来。英超Pick of the week的背景音乐上赛季(2011-2012赛季)用的是Barrie Gledden 的《Transform Me》 ,这个赛季的背景音乐我就不知道了,应该不是《My Saturday Self》,这个是赛前介绍首发、球队情况或赛后技术统计时的背景音乐。我听过这个赛季英超Pick of the week的背景音乐,是新曲子,觉得一般般,没上个赛季的好听。


       2011英超主题曲 kasabian 《fire》

       2011英超主题曲 kasabian 《fire》


       新浪08-09赛季英超每轮全进球的背景音乐都是:野人花园的 tears of pearls




       And we stare each other down

       like victims in the grind


       Probing all the weaknesses

       and hurt still left behind and we cry

       The tears of pearls



       We do it. Oh we do it.


       Is love really the tragedy the way you

       might describe?


       Or would a thousand lovers

       still leave you cold inside?


       Make you cry...

       These tears of pearls


       All these mixed emotions

       we keep locked away like

       stolen pearls


       Stolen pearl devotions we

       keep locked away from all the world


       Your kisses are like pearls,

       so different and so rare


       But anger stole the jewels away

       and love has left you bare



       Made you cry...

       These tears of pearls


       Well I could be a tired joker

       pour my heart to get you in


       Sacrifice my happiness

       just so I could win


       Maybe cry...

       These tears of pearls


       All these mixed emotions

       we keep locked away like

       stolen pearls

       Stolen pearl devotions

       we keep locked away from all

       the world

       We twist and turn where angels burn


       Like fallen soldiers we will learn


       That once forgotten, twice removed

       Love will be the death...


       The death of you


       All these mixed emotions

       we keep locked away like

       stolen pearls

       Stolen pearl devotions we keep

       locked away from all the world

       joe satriani - if i could fly


       呵呵 英超的主题曲Fire - Kasabian 十足的英伦味和超赞的旋律、

